Maria de Lourdes Santiago, PIP
Jocelyn Velazquez, Se Acabaron Las Promesas
Naomy Rivera, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Rafael Cancel Miranda, Heroe Nacional de Puerto Rico
How did Puerto Rico end up in its current fiscal crisis? Nelson Dennis, author of 'War Against All Puerto Ricans' explains.
As we marched together as part of the Independence contingent at this years Puerto Rican Day Parade in NYC, we were lead by Lolita Lebron's family and Las Lolitas, a group of dedicated women who have celebrated, on this Centennial year of her birth, the life of the late Lolita Lebron: A fierce leader and revolutionary who dedicated her life for the liberation of her beloved Puerto Rico. We honor the legacy of Lolita today, tomorrow and forever! QUE VIVA LOLITA Y QUE VIVA PUERTO RICO LIBRE.
Che Guevara habla en las Naciones Unidas de Don Pedro Albizu Campos, 1964
Don Pedro Albizu Campos habla sobre La Independencia, 8 de Abril, 1950
Don Pedro Albizu Campos habla commemorando El Grito de Lares, 23 de Septiembre, 1950
Don Pedro Albizu Campos habla sobre El Estado Libre Asociado, Parte 1 de 3, 1952
Don Pedro Albizu Campos habla sobre El Estado Libre Asociado, Parte 2 de 3, 1952
Don Pedro Albizu Campos habla sobre El Estado Libre Asociado, Parte 3 de 3, 1952
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